In P4, I mentioned in great detail my passion to help others. I really do enjoy helping others and have came to the conclusion that I don't do it for personal reasons entirely; at times deep down inside I do want to be shown kindness towards and to have someone help me when I am making life changing decisions. Majority of the time I help others because deep down inside thats what I want to do. I don't expect anything from them. I just want them to be happy once again and get passed the problems they are facing at the time. I have also came to the realization that I am not very compassionate to myself.

(The image shows dark clouds casting a dark shadow over the area. Medicine and Compassion, on page 72, explains how we can let dark clouds of negative emotions get in our way of being compassionate. When we are able to overcome these dark shadows, then we can truly began the process of being compassionate.)
Reading the various chapters of this novel, I now know that its not good enough to just help others become better individuals and rise against the pain of their situation. It also involves becoming a better person, becoming a more positive and compassionate Jessica. A person that not only does good for others but does good for herself as well. Doa mentioned in our class discussion how she would help her friend do school work even if it meant staying up all hours of the night and neglecting her own school work. I am also victim of being such a friend. I think it is wonderful to help others even if it means sacrificing something that has a direct benefit to you, but I also believe you have to find the fine line, that middle point, between the two where you can be of help to others without neglecting yourself in the process.
For me it feels out of my element to focus on myself; in a way I fell kind of selfish, but I know that I have too repair some parts of my mental state of mind, my self-esteem, the way I vision myself. Meditation and relaxation, as mentioned in the Training section of how to become compassionate, is something that I hav

Another aspect that I took away while reading Medicine and Compassion is that it is never too late to start showing compassion. "Whenever we lay down to go to sleep...We call it 'falling asleep,' but what actually happens resembles a small death...Waking up in the morning is similar to taking birth into this world for the first time." (Shlim, 68). I take this as a look on life that allows you to wake up everyday regardless of the mistakes you made the previous day and make a difference in someone else's life. You can go to sleep at ease with the thought of all your troubles of that day subsiding; they are in the past. You can wake up in the morning with positive thoughts that you can make this day better than all the rest; essentially you can start off with a clean slate. So the excuse that you have tried to show compassion to others and it didn't work to your advantage or that you don't know how to show compassion, is not good enough. It is indeed an excuse. We all have the ability to learn new trades and get back on track even if we feel like we have failed. The only way we can make our world a more compassionate one is to stop making excuses and become the compassionate individuals we were born to be.
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